Texas Bear Round-Up™ : 29
Texas Bear Round-Up™ began in 1995 with our then much smaller group hosting an event for locals to come and hang out with the bears. That event has transformed into one of the most extensive Bear runs in North America and the world! TBRU™ allows bears, cubs, and their admirers an opportunity to converge in the Big D for a weekend of daytime events, nighttime entertainers, and tons of opportunities to meet guys from all over the world. TBRU™ is our “Party With A Purpose,” and since volunteers run it 100%, all profits go directly to our charity beneficiaries.
Through our partnership with BearDance, The Dallas Bears and TBRU™ have donated over $1M to the local LGBTQ+ community!
We hope that you will join us for TBRU™ 28: The Roaring Twenties, which takes place March 2024 at the Hyatt Regency in Downtown Dallas. You can find more information about TBRU™ and register for the event by clicking the button below!