A word from our president
Hey Everyone!
My name is Randy Flores and I am the current President of the Dallas Bears. I want to personally thank you for your interest in our club and invite you to attend any of our monthly membership meetings. The Dallas Bears have a long history of giving back to the DFW Community and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to lead this fine group of men. With the assistance of my wonderful Board of Directors and strong membership roster, it is my goal to continue the excellent work done by those before me, and strive to keep Texas Bear Round-Up one of the largest and most-entertaining Bear Runs in the world 🐻
Want to add to our History? If you are a former member or friend, with details, pictures, etc… about our club history, please contact us at:

Like many groups, The Dallas Bears has seen its fair share of transitions, and our community has evolved in so many ways, and as such, We have lost touch with our beginnings; many members have come and gone, moved away for jobs, family, or relationships. And especially of our most challenging transition of seeing our community at large lose the battle to HIV/AIDS. Thousands upon thousands lost their lives from the epidemic. It stole several generations of good men from our midst and took our history along with it. Yet, in Their memory, our story will live on forever. So, the tea goes like this: The Dallas Bears began circa 1993. Danny Keller, his partner Chris and David Ellis (aka Miss Ellie) got together to form a social group of guys who wanted to do things outside the bars. It just happens that they were considered what we now call Bears.
Here is where the story gets sketchy; The archives of our earlier days were lost at some point, and we do not have many members from these early days to remind us how it was. So, we are on a critical mission to know, understand and record our history. Although some details were apparent topics of discussion, much is gone.
Spanke Studer recalls: The Dallas Bears started as a group of guys who met regularly on Sundays at the back bar at TMC (Throckmorton Mining Company). Miss Ellie (David Ellis) was the bartender. Initially, the group came together as a way to socialize outside the bars. The FIRST officers were:
In December 2004, the Dallas Bears was incorporated as Texas Non-Profit Corporation. The ongoing plan was to provide protection to the Board, Membership and work towards being a tax-deductible organization. The board selected Bryan Tomes, Wayne Davis, and Craig Clark to form the new By-Laws team to create a set of by-laws that would comply with the State and the IRS. Wayne Davis was our listed Incorporator and worked with the state to produce our Articles of Corporation and successfully grant our Certificate of Incorporation from the State of Texas. Wayne Davis also wrote our mission statement, which details the path we will always follow.
Along with members: Danny Keller, Jeff Blair, Gary Moore, Dale Thirio, and James Taylor. Spanke said there could have been more, but that was all they could remember. The group heavily envisioned a party celebrating like-minded individuals (bears). Out of the vision, they created the first Texas Bear Round-Up (TBRU ) event shortly after that.

President – David Ellis (aka Miss Ellie)
Vice President – Bruce Easley
Secretary – Chris Young
Treasurer – David Marriot
In March 2011, the Dallas Bears were granted 501(c)(3) tax-deductible status by the IRS, which fulfilled a long-term goal of the membership and several individuals. The entire Board embarked on making this a reality. The officers were:
President - Wayne Davis
Vice-President - Patrick Sweeney
Treasurer - Robert Delgado
Secretary - Kevin Steele
Social Chair - Rob Meade
Ambassador - Brandon McGimsey
Technology Chair - Jared Spears
Historian - Norman Ames
In March 2012, the Dallas Bears produced TBRU 17, Bears Gone Wild: Spring Break Style. This event had over 1,700 registrants, and we were able to give over $58,000 to the Charity that year.
Texas Bear Round-Up (TBRU ) quickly became known as one of the best Bear events in the nation. Quickly TBRU became a community fundraiser for local charities. From under 100 registrants at TBRU 1 to over 1,900 registrants each year – this event is a massive event for the worldwide Bear Community.
Today, the Dallas Bears continue with their mission of Community Service, Fellowship, Fun, and Lasting Friendships. You can be part of the future starting today… the story of your journey is ready to be recorded here.
And Who We Always will be!
The Dallas Bears are a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit and social organization based in Dallas, Texas. Our membership consists of Gay Men from all over the Greater Dallas Metroplex who consider themselves part of the Bear community, their admirers, and allies. We have a diverse membership from age to ethnicity and from those titles like bears, cubs, otters, admirers, and others that are just our friends and want to join in on the fun and the community service. We are a positive and diverse force in our community.